Most trendy diets include filling foods that contribute to satiety. Fiber-rich foods, particularly whole-grain cereal products, fruits, and vegetables can slow down the appetite. Ils doivent ainsi être mis de l’avant! By increasing the fiber and protein content of your meals, you will feel fuller. Consequently, you will eat less calories. The 2 Types of Fibers There are two types of fibers in food: soluble fibers insoluble fibers Both types are often present in the same product. Insoluble fibers are known for their satiety power since they expand in the stomach when in contact with water. Having a fiber-rich diet could therefore help you manage your weight. Fibers regulate intestinal transit and help eliminate quickly the waste that sits in the large intestine. When mixed in water, soluble fibers form a sort of gel. They can lower blood cholesterol levels while also promoting a better blood sugar level control. GOOD TO KNOW: Men should consume 38 g of fibers daily, while women should eat 25 g a day. 10 Foods Rich in Fibers 1. Corn bran 15.8 g of fibers per ¼ cup (or 20 g) portion Corn bran is so rich in fibers that you should definitely include it in more meals. From cakes to crepes, without forgetting your favourite recipes of muffins and banana bread, add corn bran to the mix! You can even put some in your morning smoothie. 2. Kumquats 12.4 g of fibers for 10 fruits Kumquat is a small roundish fruit measuring about 2 to 3 cm. And no need to peel it! Its skin is so thin that it is edible. This flavourful fruit can be included in fruit salads, mixed salads, cakes, and muffins! Food fans might like to know they can also be candied, marinated, or even canned with alcohol. 3. Popcorn 1 g of fibers per cup (once popped) Having a low energetic density, in other words few calories per volume, popcorn is ideal for your movie nights. Don’t shy away from adding flavours to your popcorn! For example, you could spray lime juice or add salt and cajun spices. 4. Avocado 8.5 g of fibers per ½ fruit Avocado is the king of fiber-rich fruits! Usually eaten raw, it cannot really be cooked since it oxidizes quickly. It is recommended to sprinkle lemon juice or vinegar on top to avoid premature darkening. Avocado is often used in guacamole, but it can also be incorporated into sandwiches and salads! 5. Artichoke hearts 7.6 g of fibers per ½ cup (125 ml) portion Artichoke hearts are often sold in cans. It’s an economic and fast option to enhance your salads or to prepare appetizers. Always have some on hand for those unannounced visits. In cans, they are usually placed in salty water. Rince them under cold water first to reduce the sodium level. 6. White beans 13 g of fibers per cup (250 ml) Legumes are known to cause intestinal discomforts. Indeed, because of their high fiber levels, they are digested by bacteria in the large intestine. Fermentation produces gas, which sometimes provokes bloating and flatulences for those who are not accustomed. But don’t worry, after a while your body will get used to it. 7. Potatoes 5.4 g of fibers for one big potato While often overlooked by popular diets, potatoes are actually great for you. Unfortunately, they are perceived as starchy foods instead of legumes, but they are indeed the ultimate starch! Filled with vitamins and fibers, potatoes are on the same level of other healthy-looking starchy foods such as quinoa. 8. Edamames 4.3 g of fibers per ½ cup (125 ml) portion These days, I swear by edamames when I want to add protein to a meal. Since protein and fibers are found in significant amount in a portion of edamames, they contribute to a quick feeling of satiety. GOOD TO KNOW: Here are 5 ways to use edamame! 9. Oranges 7 g of fibers per fruit If apples are a general favourite among Quebecers, oranges are not far behind. Instead of drinking orange juice or adding some to your smoothie preparation, try to simply eat fresh oranges. However, smoothies can contain more fibers than regular juices if whole fruits are used. 10. Flax seeds 11.9 g of fibers per ¼ cup (60 ml) portion Flax seeds are mostly known for being rich in omega-3. Did you know it had just as much fibers? There are even 2 types: ground and whole. While ground ones provide soluble fibers, whole ones bring insoluble fibers! How do you prefer them?
Articles Homemade Iced Coffee and Cold Brew, What You Need to Know 2 min by: Hubert Cormier, Ph.D. in nutrition