• We often hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And indeed, it should not be overlooked! To start the day right and have lasting focus at school or work, it’s important to eat well in the morning. A suitable protein intake will give you enough energy to last until lunch.

    Ideally, you should eat about 25 to 30 g of protein per meal. Opt for a protein-rich breakfast to fulfill your nutritional needs!

    5 Tips for more Protein in Your Breakfasts

    Carefully choosing the ingredients you want to include in your meals is essential and decisive. Here’s how to prepare a protein-rich breakfast!

    1. Add dairy products

    There are three big yogurt categories available in supermarkets that each have different protein contents. The traditional yogurt that we’re all familiar with contains 9 g of proteins per 175 ml portion.

    Greek yogurt, more dense and also very popular, has 17 g of proteins per portion. Finally, the latest arrival on the market, the Icelandic yogurt “skyr” provides 21 g, which is almost the recommended amount for a meal. Try it in a chia seeds pudding, in a smoothie or as a side to your usual breakfast for a quick and easy protein intake!

    If you’re not really into yogurt, you can opt for cottage cheese, a light dairy product that provides 15 g of protein for a half-cup portion (125 ml). A simple glass of milk is a good option for your breakfast as well with its 8 g of protein per cup (250 ml). You could also drink a latte!

    You’re lactose intolerant? Choose a lactose-free milk or a soy beverage instead. Unfortunately, other plant-based milks contain few or no proteins.

    2. Include nuts

    You can always add a handful of nuts to your breakfast! Replace the classic peanut butter with other nut butters such as almond or hazelnut butters!

    Add soaked cashews to your smoothies, use your Grenoble walnuts in a fruits and yogurt parfait, or sprinkle flaked almonds on your oatmeal. These will have a satiating effect because of their proteins (about 6 g per 60 ml portion) and fibers.

    3. Use protein powder

    During your morning rush or when you’re just missing some ingredients, you can use protein powder. The latter is natural, contrary of one might think. It’s collected during cheese making.

    When rennet is added, milk curdles to form what will be cheese. The remaining liquid, called whey, is the base of the powder. You can also add it in muffins recipes, crepes or smoothies.

    Try to choose 100% whey protein certified products. The list of ingredients should be short and contain only one ingredient unless it’s a flavoured powder. Using protein powder in your recipes and not only in your shakes is an interesting way to switch up your sources of protein and vary your meal plans.

    4. Try soft tofu

    Smoothies are an easy option to eat more fruits. However, you might be hungry after just an hour. Have you ever thought of adding tofu? A silken tofu portion (150 g), flavoured or regular, will give you 7 g of protein. Try different flavours for surprising combinations!

    5. Eat your eggs!

    Eggs are an economical option to add protein anywhere. Egg white will add 3 g of protein to your meal. You can also use cartons of pasteurized egg whites. They are absolutely indistinguishable in smoothies and oatmeal!

En résumé

You now know how to prepare protein-rich breakfasts to start your days off right!

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