Did you know edamames are in fact derived from soy? Indeed, they are immature soybeans! Their flavour can be described as a mix between sweet peas, snow peas, and hazelnut. They therefore have a soft mild taste which makes them easy to incorporate in many recipes. Plus, edamame beans are part of the legume family, which also includes peanuts, beans, chickpeas, peas, and lentils.

Be careful when first cooking edamames. Their pods are not edible! You most only eat the green beans inside.

GOOD TO KNOW: Love edamame beans? Read this article and find out 5 ways to eat edamames! Discover 10 vegetarian protein-rich foods as well.

BPT loves edamames since they are legumes with great nutritional values. Not only do they provide a significant amount of protein, but they are also rich in phytoestrogen! The latter has many health benefits, including the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

  • What Are the Health Benefits of Edamames?

    Fill up with proteins by eating edamames!

    Edamame beans contain high quality proteins, which means they provide all the essential amino acids for our bodies. Besides, they are the only proteins of plant origin to be complete, which makes them especially interesting for vegetarians. In fact, proteins are the main component of our cells, tissues, and organs. Our bodies use protein to build, repair, and maintain tissues.

    Edamames are rich in fiber!

    More precisely, 125 ml of edamames provides 4 g of fibers. Fibers increase stool bulk and help regulate bowel function. Not only do they prevent constipation, but they also help control diabetes. In fact, edamames slow down digestion, which promotes satiety and, consequently, contributes to appetite and weight control.

    Edamames are a great source of iron!

    This legume is also a great source of plant iron. Vegetarians might be interested to know that although plant-based iron is absorbed less easily than that of animal origin, it is better assimilated when consumed along with foods rich in vitamin C. You can therefore eat edamames with bell peppers or broccolis, for example, to maximize the iron absorption. Besides, iron is essential to the formation of red blood cells and to the transportation of oxygen in the blood.

  • Storage and Availability of Edamames

    How to pick the best edamames

    Since edamames are only sold frozen in grocery stores, you have two options: edamames in pods or shelled edamames. If you’re planning to incorporate them to a recipe, the latter can help you save time during preparation. Otherwise, you will have to shell them one at a time before cooking. However, edamames in pods can make great appetizers!

    Make sure to read carefully the packaging. Many frozen products offer precooked edamames, but that’s not always the case. It is normally specified on the packaging if you have to cook them beforehand.

    Availability of edamames

    Edamames can be found all year long in the frozen food section of your grocery store. Plus, some producers sometimes sell them fresh, but it is quite rare. Therefore, prioritize the frozen alternatives. Plus, it’s super handy to have some in your freezer. Indeed, edamames are a great source of protein and are ready in just a few minutes.

    How to store edamames?

    If you bought frozen edamames, simply store them in your freezer at home. They can be kept a few months this way. As for fresh or thawed edamame beans, they can be kept a few days in the refrigerator.

    Edamame Q&A

  • Are raw edamames toxic?

    Yes, raw edamames are toxic. In fact, edamames are highly perishable foods when raw because they contain high levels of mesophiles, yeast, and mould, which make them poisonous. Although mesophiles are not necessarily indicators of the presence of pathogenic bacteria, they can increase the risks of bacterial contamination. As for yeast and mould,  they can lead to deterioration in the quality of food when present in excessive quantities. Furthermore, mould has the capacity to synthesize mycotoxins, which can be toxic for humans.

  • Why cook edamames?

    To extend the shelf life of your edamames, blanch them before storing them in the freezer. Blanching eliminates the toxic substances in the beans. They are therefore safe to freeze after this process. Plus, freezing preserves the freshness, colour, and texture of edamames for a longer period of time, which is why they are mostly sold frozen in Quebec, unless you know a farmer who cultivates them.

  • Do edamames make you gain weight?

    As of today, researches suggest otherwise. Indeed, many studies on the matter showed that soy proteins in fact help reduce body weight as well as body fat. Plus, since soy is rich in protein and fiber, it also contributes to satiety. Therefore, eating edamames could actually help you manage your weight.

  • Do edamames cause gas?

    Edamames may indeed cause gas. People who are not used to consuming some regularly may find this product harder to digest. In such cases, edamames may provoke bloating and flatulence because of their high raffinose (a sugar) content. Indeed, raffinose is not digested, but rather ferments, which causes flatulences when gas is released during the process.

  • Are edamames and snow peas the same?

    No, edamames and snow peas are not the same. Snow peas are not derived from soy beans, although they are also legumes. In fact, most of the time, the two can be exchanged in recipes. However, do not forget that snow peas don’t contain as much protein as edamames.

Did you know that…

the word “edamame”, which is pronounced eh-duh-maa-may, actually means “stem beans”? Cute, isn’t it? Also, did you know edamame pods are fuzzy?

Edamame Uses

  • Edamame hummus: By mixing together edamames, tahini, salt, garlic, cilantro, lemon juice, olive oil, sesame oil, and water, you will get a bright green creamy hummus. Perfect to eat with your favourite crackers!
  • Seasoned edamames: Blanch your shelled edamames 1 to 2 minutes and simply serve them with the seasoning of your choice, such as lime juice, salt, and pepper, or olive oil, garlic, and grated parmesan cheese. A delicious and unique snack!
  • Salted edamame pods: Salted edamames in pods are very popular in thai cuisine. To make some at home, simply cook the pods and season them with salt. Voilà!
  • Parmesan edamames: By mixing shelled edamames with parmesan cheese, you can create the ideal appetizer! Caution! It’s so good you won’t be able to resist…
  • Edamame falafels: Green crispy edamame bites are an excellent way to add some colour in your plate!
  • Salad with edamames: Edamames are an easy addition to any salad. Plus, they provide protein while keeping your meal light and refreshing.
  • Feta and edamame Greek salad: Add edamames to the list of ingredients of your classic Greek salad for a crispy touch and extra proteins!
  • Edamame fried rice: Substitute your usual source of protein with edamames in your next fried rice recipe. You’ll see, it’s just as delicious!
  • Edamame meal soup: Edamames are excellent in a tom-yum soup! Plus, rice vermicelli, mushrooms, green onions, cilantro, sambal oelek, and edamames make a perfectly balanced flavour combination.
  • Edamame wontons: Wontons stuffed with edamames, ginger, lemon juice, chives, and soy sauce… Yum! A true explosion of flavours!

Nutritional Values of Edamames

Edamames are rich in protein and fiber. They are also an excellent source of phosphorus and iron. Plus, they are low in lipids.

PortionUnits125 ml of frozen edamames (82 g)125 ml of cooked edamames (95 g)125 ml of raw edamames (135 g)
  Omega 3gNDNDND
  Omega 6gNDNDND
Vitamin Aµg7.612.2ND
Thiamin (B1)mg0.250.590.16
Riboflavin (B2)mg0.150.240.13
Niacin (B3)NE3.65.82.5
Pantothenic acid (B5)mg0.120.20.32
Pyridoxine (B6)mg0.060.090.08
Biotin (B8)µgNDNDND
Folic acid (B9)µg105.6223.2254.7
Cobalamin (B12)µg000
Vitamin Cmg16.239.25.0
Vitamin Dµg000
Vitamin E (Tocopherol, alpha)mgNDND0.6
Vitamin KµgNDND21.9
Source : Canadian Nutrient Files (CNF)Canadian Nutrient Files, Nutrient profile, Soybeans, green (edamame), frozen, prepared,
Food code: 6218.
Canadian Nutrient Files, Nutrient profile, Soybeans, green (edamame), boiled, drained, Food code: 2209.Canadian Nutrient Files, Nutrient profile, Soybeans, green (edamame), raw, Food code: 2208.