Avocados are such popular fruits! Whether stuffed, in a guacamole, in a smoothie, or on a toast, they are always delicious. Indeed, their colourful and creamy flesh as well as their soft hazelnut-like flavours have won the hearts of many people.

Besides, avocado trees grow in tropical and subtropical climates. More precisely, Mexico, Chile, and the United States are the largest avocado producers. Plus, many varieties are available on the market although the Hass avocado represents a major proportion of the production.

GOOD TO KNOW: Ever wondered if you could eat an overripe avocado? And did you know it’s possible to be allergic to avocados? Check out these articles to know all the details!

BPT loves avocados since they are rich in antioxidants! Antioxidants protect the body from the damage free radicals can cause, such as the development of cancers and cardiovascular diseases.

  • What Are the Health Benefits of Avocados?

    Avocados are an excellent source of fiber

    By eating avocados, you increase your fiber intake! Fibers are particularly useful thanks to their positive impact on the intestinal transit. Besides, not only do they prevent constipation, but they also promote appetite and weight control.

    With avocados, you fill up with good fats

    The fat content of avocados is mostly made up of oleic fatty acid. The latter is a monounsaturated fat that is considered healthy. Indeed, unsaturated fats help reduce the quantity of lipid in the blood, which prevents some cardiac diseases. So don’t be scared of avocado’s fats! They can very well be part of a balanced diet.

    Avocados are a good source of vitamin B5

    Avocados also contain a good quantity of pantothenic acid, also known as vitamin B5. This vitamin helps your body properly use the energy provided by the food you eat.

  • How to Pick the Best Avocado?

    When grocery shopping, gently squeeze the avocado to make sure it is not too firm or too soft. As you may already know, an avocado that’s too firm is not ripe. However, you could still pick it if you don’t plan on eating an avocado in the next few days. That being said, if you would rather it one later in the day, choose an avocado without stains or bruises. A ripe avocado should yield easily, while an avocado that’s too soft and has dark spots is most likely overripe.

    Availability of avocados

    Although avocados only grow in hot climates, they are exported everywhere in the world, which is why you can easily find some in the fruit and vegetable section of your grocery store all year long. Plus, you can find diced avocado in the frozen foods section. Plain and seasoned guacamoles are also available in the vegetable dips section.

    How to store avocados 

    If your avocado is not ripe, store it at room temperature. This way, it will release ethylene and will thus continue its ripening process. Besides, if you put your avocados in a paper bag, they will ripen quicker since the bag traps the ethylene. That being said, if your avocados are already ripe, place them in the refrigerator to slow down the ripening process. Also, if you only ate part of the fruit, drizzle the remaining half with lemon juice and cover it in plastic wrap before refrigerating it. Otherwise the flesh will go brown.

    Avocado Q&A

  • Is avocado a fruit or a vegetable?

    Although often prepared like vegetables, avocados are actually fruits! However, according to botanists, fruits are seed-bearing products of plant growth that are edible. Since avocados are produced by avocado trees and contain a seed, they are indeed fruits!

  • Can you ripen avocados in the microwave?

    No, it is impossible to ripen an avocado in the microwave. Although this technique was tested multiple times and may have seem efficient in some cases, it didn’t actually ripen the avocado. In fact, heat simply softens the flesh, but the texture remains stringy and the taste bland. The best way to quickly ripen an avocado is to place it in a paper bag.

  • Is the avocado seed edible?

    Nope! Avocado seeds are not edible. On one side they are simply not tasty and could also break your teeth. On the other side, they contain a natural toxin that turns into cyanide when ingested. So, avoid eating the seed!

  • Why can't I tolerate avocados?

    You may be allergic to avocados! Although uncommon, an allergy to avocados is possible. It can trigger symptoms such as anaphylaxis, vomitting, or hives.

Did you know that…

it can take up to 6 years for the first avocado of an avocado tree to grow?

Avocado Uses

  • As a filling: Avocado slices or pieces are perfect to add to a sandwich or salad.
  • Avocado salad: Avocados go marvellously well with the freshness of tomatos, corn, and cucumbers. Add a few shrimps and you will have a filling salad!
  • Guacamole: When mixed with lime juice, cilantro, and green onions, pureed avocados can make a delicious guacamole!
  • Avocado toasts: Avocado slices (or puree!) are delicious on toasts. Besides, this popular breakfast can be reinvented many ways. Change the routine and add fresh fruits, cottage cheese, nuts, and a drizzle of honey!
  • Avocado mayonnaise: You can easily substitute half the mayonnaise of a recipe with avocado puree. Your sauce or dip will be just as creamy but will provide more good fats!
  • Avocado dressing: For a creamy dressing, add crushed avocados to your recipe!
  • Avocado fries: Fried slices of avocado make an interesting appetizer.
  • Roasted avocado: An avocado becomes even more soft when roasted on the BBQ. Garnish it with other vegetables, fresh herbs, and a delicious dressing! A must-try for BBQ season.
  • With cheese: Ever tried melting grated cheese on an avocado? It’s a real treat!
  • Avocado mousse: Lighter than guacamole, avocado mousse is perfect in a glass verrine or as a condiment with chips!

Nutritional Values of Avocados

Avocados have significant amounts of fibers, good fats, potassium, and folic acid. They are also a good source of iron, magnesium, and antioxidants.

PortionUnits1 raw avocado (200 g)125 ml of avocado puree (122 g)125 ml of raw avocado slice (77 g) 125 ml of raw diced avocados (79 g)
  Omega 3gNDNDNDND
  Omega 6gNDNDNDND
Vitamin Aµg14.
Thiamin (B1)mg0.
Riboflavin (B2)mg0.
Niacin (B3)NE4.
Pantothenic acid (B5)mg2.791.691.071.1
Pyridoxine (B6)mg0.520.310.20.2
Biotin (B8)µgNDNDNDND
Folic acid (B9)µg162.898.462.564.2
Cobalamin (B12)µg0000
Vitamin Cmg20.
Vitamin Dµg0000
Vitamin E (Tocopherol, alpha)mg4.
Vitamin Kµg42.225.516.216.6
Source : Canadian Nutrient Files (CNF)Canadian Nutrient Files, Nutrient profile, Avocado, raw, all commercial varieties, Food code: 1511.Canadian Nutrient Files, Nutrient profile, Avocado, raw, all commercial varieties, Food code: 1511.Canadian Nutrient Files, Nutrient profile, Avocado, raw, all commercial varieties, Food code: 1511.Canadian Nutrient Files, Nutrient profile, Avocado, raw, all commercial varieties, Food code: 1511.
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