• Bacon is embedded in the food traditions of many Quebecers. Be it for a Sunday brunch or to upgrade your barbecue grilled meats, every reason is good to eat it. But bacon is very rich in fat (and, apparently, it could cause cancer…).

    Obviously, this should not stop you from eating some every once in a while, but it could be interesting to include alternatives in your diet.

    Bacon… Without Bacon!

    There are now many alternatives to bacon, your classic Sunday breakfast. Will you dare to try them? You will be pleasantly surprised because it’s…  bon pour toi (good for you)!

    SIMPLY DELICIOUS: Ever tried vegan bacon? It’s delicious!

    1. Smoked tofu

    Smoked tofu, which can now be found in most supermarkets, is a great alternative to bacon! Its smoked taste reminds us of lardon. Simply cut thin slices and brown them in a pan as you would do for bacon.

    2. Fakon (fake bacon)

    This one can be cooked the same way as smoked tofu. In fact, both are made from tofu.

    Homemade fakon recipe: add 1 tablespoon of ketchup and 2 tablespoons of maple syrup to brine or to the liquid in the feta cheese container. Then, marinate the tofu slices for about 6 hours or overnight. Finally, brown them in a bit of oil to make them crispy.

    Not only does fakon add protein to this recipe, but it also brings an interesting texture. Personalize your grilled cheese and discover new cheeses! Plus, we’re lucky in Quebec: there is a variety for every taste.

    Try new types of bread as well. Loaf, baguette, crusty bread, ancient grains bread… There are numerous possibilities! Get creative and find out your favourite combinations!

    3. Other lean meats


    For the same portion, prosciutto is 2 times less caloric than bacon and contains 3 times less fats. This Italian ham makes excellent chips. When slightly browned, it perfectly enhances the flavours of grilled cheeses, appetizers (serve it with cantaloupe, dates, figs…), and meals that are usually made with bacon (Alfredo pastas, risotto…).

    Turkey bacon

    This bacon contains 3 times less saturated fats than the classic pork bacon. Yet, these 2 products are very similar from a culinary point of view. The lower-fat version will therefore go unnoticed by your guests!

    Psst! You’re a prankster and want to make the bacon lovers you know laugh? BPT found the ultimate Christmas gift: a bacon ornament for the Christmas tree! 

En résumé

Do not forget that there is still place in a healthy and balanced diet for your favourite foods, even if their nutritional profile is not ideal. However, bacon lovers may want to consider these healthy alternatives to boost the nutritional value of their favourite recipes. Enjoy!

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