• Eggs are delicious, versatile, economical and have a remarkable nutritional value. They also have high quality proteins (with a high proportion of amino acids) and contain many vitamins and minerals.

    Plus, we have the best eggs here in Quebec! Here are some interesting facts on eggs, as well as tips to eat more of them!

    Egg White or Yolk?

    Yolks are real goldmines of nutrients! Indeed, half the protein (3 g) and the entirety of vitamins and minerals are localized there. Therefore, if you only eat egg whites, you deprive yourself from the best nutrients an egg has to offer and only get incomplete proteins.

    GOOD TO KNOW: Some proteins are said to be “incomplete” because they don’t contain all the essential amino acids.

    Essential amino acids cannot be synthetized in sufficient quantities by the body to fulfill our needs related to the maintenance of tissues. They must therefore come from our diet.

    The Egg in Numbers

    While most meats and poultries only have proteins, lipids, and water, you might be surprised to learn that eggs also contain carbohydrates (almost 1 g per 2 eggs portion!).

    The weight of an egg generally ranges between 50 to 63 g.

    • The shell makes 9 to 11% of the weight
    • The white, 60 to 63%
    • The yolk, 28 to 29%.

    An egg is made of 12% fat, 12% protein, and 75% water. The rest (about 1%) is made of carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

    Eat the whole egg to fully benefit from all its qualities!

    The sugar content of an egg yolk is largely made of free sugar or glycoproteins. A little bit of glucose is also found in egg whites, and mannose and galactose are attached to protein molecules found in both parts.

    Tips to Make the Best Omelettes

    Omelettes are great, but we can all agree they can be a bit boring. Try to switch up the fillings! There’s a ton of delicious and original recipes you can make with eggs… Ever tried the cloud-egg croque-madame? It’s almost too good to be true!

    Super nutritious omelettes

    To increase the volume of your omelette while also limiting its number of calories, switch up your milk with cauliflower purée or soup. Plus, it will keep its beautiful yellow colour! You could also add black beans, shredded duck, or salmon for extra proteins. It’s perfect for brunch!

    Puffy omelettes

    To make puffier omelettes, add a bit of flour and baking powder: 15 ml (1 tablespoon) of flour and 2.5 ml (½ teaspoon) of baking powder for 4 eggs. This technique is also a good way to reach satiety because the portion seems bigger yet has the same number of calories.

    Omelette Bar

    There are sealed bags that can be used to cook food, and they are the perfect solution for an easy omelette bar.

    • Put all the fillings in the center of the table: plan about 2 to 3 eggs per person. And don’t forget vegetables! Some should be blanched or cooked beforehand (tubers for example).
    • Each person then chooses the ingredients they want to use and place them in their sealed bag.
    • Finally, immerse the bags in boiling water for 5 to 7 minutes to cook the omelettes.

    GOOD TO KNOW: Play with spices: try paprika, Cayenne, pepper, saffron, oregano… Some spices are even lyophilized instead of dried, which makes them more flavourful and fresher. Even better: fresh herbs! They’re a great mix to add flavour to your eggs!

En résumé

In short!

Not only are eggs rich in nutrients, they're also economical and extremely versatile: you can eat them for breakfast, lunch, or even diner! Try to always have hard-boiled eggs in your refrigerator. It's the perfect snack to eat in between meals!

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