• Blueberry Silver Dollar Pancakes

    Preparation 5 min
    Cooking 15 min
    Refrigeration 0 min
    Freezing 0 min
    50 pancakes
    Piece of cake (easy)
    Dietary restrictions

    Blueberry Silver Dollar Pancakes

    Blueberry Silver Dollar Pancakes for Breakfast!

    Quebec blueberries are so tasty! As soon as they are in season, it’s time to make provisions for the year to come. Want to make a recipe featuring those blue delights? We have the perfect one for you! Try these sweet blueberry silver dollar pancakes (or mini pancakes) for a change from your classic breakfasts!

    Freeze your pancakes

    These pancakes can be kept in the freezer, so do not hesitate to double the recipe. Plus, it’s super easy! Simply freeze your pancakes on a baking sheet, then transfer them into a sealed container. On busy mornings, heat your blueberry pancakes in the microwave for a quick breakfast!

    SIMPLY DELICIOUS: Love pancakes? Try these mini protein pancakes, or these Bacon and Cheese Pancake Tacos!

    à savoir

    Make a balanced breakfast with this recipe!

    Serve these beautiful pancakes with plain Greek yogurt, a mountain of fresh fruits, and a drizzle of maple syrup for a complete breakfast. It’s a real treat! You could even make little skewers with cheese, fruits, and these pancakes for a fun snack!

Nutritional Information

  • Calories
    - Kcal
    Calories are units of energy. They represent a measurable quantity of energy brought by a food. Your energetic needs depend on your age, height, weight, gender and how active you are. The average need ranges around 2000 calories/day. A higher or inferior intake might affect your weight.
  • Lipids
    - g
    Lipids (fats) are essential to your body. They are an important source of energy. However, an excessive consumption is associated with weight gain and higher risks of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular problems. Unsaturated fats are preferable to saturated or trans fats.
  • Saturated fats
    - g
    Saturated fats, commonly known as “bad fats”, are mostly found in processed foods and in some products of animal origin. If consumed in excess, they can have adverse effects on cardiovascular health, including increases in LDL-cholesterol levels. Try to eat better lipids such as those found in fish, nuts, oilseeds, and oils!
  • Cholesterol
    - mg
    Your body mainly uses cholesterol to produce hormones. It is only found in foods of animal origin such as meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products. However, dietary cholesterol has little to no influence on your cholesterol level compared to saturated and trans fats.
  • Sodium
    - mg
    In small quantities, sodium is an essential nutrient for your body. However, you probably eat too much of it without even being aware, and this overconsumption can have adverse effects on your health. Indeed, excess sodium targets organs and can lead to hypertension.
  • Carbohydrates
    - g
    Carbohydrates are a good source of energy. They are your brain’s main source of fuel for all functions. The carbohydrate group is divided into simple and complex sugars, fibers, and starches. Carbohydrates are mostly found in fruits, dairy products, baked goods, pastries, sweets, cereals, and legumes. It is recommended to not eat high quantities of added sugars. Limit your intake to 50 g/day.
  • Fibers
    - g
    Fibers have many health benefits. They are divided into two types: soluble and insoluble fibers. Soluble fibers can reduce your cholesterol level and help regulate glycemia (blood sugar levels). As for insoluble fibers, they increase stool bulk and regulate bowel function. Since they slow down the digestion process, they promote satiety, which contributes to appetite and weight control. You should consume at least 30 g everyday.
  • Proteins
    - g
    Protein has different roles in your body. They are essential to muscle, blood, and even skin development! In fact, protein build most of your bodily structures. They also provide all the amino acids your body needs to make neurotransmitters, new molecules, enzymes, and even certain hormones!
Pamela Rousseau, RD, Registered Dietitian

Recipe developed with passion and good humor by:

Passionnée par la cuisine et les saines habitudes de vie, Paméla, fière membre de l’Ordre des diététistes-nutritionnistes du Québec, est à l’emploi de Bon pour toi depuis 2021 où elle écrit et vulgarise la science de la nutrition. Également, par ses compétences culinaires qu’elle a acquises lors de ses études, elle crée et développe des recettes aussi gourmandes que nutritives.

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