Home Recipes Beverages Homemade Aloe Water Homemade Aloe Water Quick access Ingredients Preparation Comments Ingredients Preparation Comments By: Hubert Cormier, Ph.D. in nutrition Preparation 5 min Cooking - Refrigeration 0 min Freezing 0 min 1 serving Piece of cake (easy) Quick access Ingredients Preparation Comments Ingredients Preparation Comments Dietary restrictions Categories Beverages Thematics Dinner party Homemade Aloe Water Aloe Vera Flavoured Water Who said drinking water was boring? This homemade aloe vera water is refreshing and addictive. Aloe, or aloe vera, has many benefits on skin and health. Plus, it adds a summer touch to your water. You can serve it in a glass or make a whole jug! It’s also a great way to pimp your sparkling water! Good to know: Despite some warnings you might hear about aloe and its toxicity, there is no reason to worry. Aloe gel (the translucent part) is completely safe to use, even in the kitchen! Indeed, aloe gel can be consumed in addition to being used to treat burns and scratches. To take advantage of this popular plant, simply scrape the gel contained in the branches. The leaves (green part) and the brownish surface near the leaves are however toxic! Psst! To efficiently and safely get the gel, cut the leaf in half on its lenght, then gently scrape the gel with a spoon while carefully leaving a thin gel layer (it’s that layer right over the leaf that can be problematic). The remaining aloe branches can be kept in a sustainable packaging (or in a plastic wrap!) at room temperature for about 10 days, or 20 days in the refrigerator. Bonà savoir The many uses of aloe vera It can be interesting to add aloe gel to your fruity water for a change or for a tropical touch. Learn how to make aloe juice now! Feeling adventurous?Why not add aloe vera to your coconut water? Eau d'aloès maison Metric system Imperial system Aloe water Aloe (aloe vera) - 1 branch 1 branch To discover! Cold water - 1 cup 250 mL To discover! Honey - 1 teaspoon 5 mL To discover! Lime juice - 1 teaspoon 5 mL To discover! Other possible variations Fresh berries, whole or sliced - To taste To taste To discover! Watermelon, diced - To taste To taste To discover! Citruses (orange, lemon, lime, etc.), finely sliced - To taste To taste To discover! Fresh herbs (mint, basil, thyme, etc.), whole or finely chopped - To taste To taste To discover! Preparation Switch to cook mode Step 1 White a knife, gently peel the aloe branch. Step 2 Remove the yellow part and keep only the translucent one (the gel). Step 3 Repeat until you get 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of gel. Step 4 Put the gel in a blender and add the other ingredients. Mix a few minutes. Step 5 Finally, serve the homemade aloe water in a tall glass filled with ice cubes. Other possible variations Step 6 If desired, add fruits or herbs to this aloe vera water. Like it? Share it!