Home Recipes Snacks Vector-Style Protein Granola Vector-Style Protein Granola Ingredients Preparation Nutrition Comments Ingredients Preparation Nutrition Comments Vector-Style Protein Granola An Homemade Version of The Best Protein Granola Our recipe of protein-rich granola easily replaces the shop-bought alternatives. It’s almost like a copy-pasted version of Vector’s honey and almond flavoured granola. This homemade version is made from wheat, eggs, nuts, and seeds. Of course, just like in any granola, there is also a sweetening agent and a greasy substance to provide colour and a caramelized taste to the final product. It’s a delicious and simple preparation you can add in anything for some extra crisp! Economical Under 30 minutes By:Hubert Cormier, Ph.D. in nutrition Preparation 15 min Cooking 20 min 1.5 L (6 cups) Piece of cake (easy) Ingredients Système métrique Système impérial Large flake oats - 1 ½ cup 165 g To discover! Brown rice cereal - 1 cup 120 g To discover! Almonds, coarsely chopped - 1 cup 120 g To discover! Roasted soy seeds - 1 cup 120 g To discover! TVP flakes (large) - 5 ⅓ cups 400 g To discover! Soy milk powder - 1 cup 130 g To discover! Salt - A pinch A pinch To discover! Honey - ⅔ cup 150 mL To discover! Canola oil - ⅔ cup 150 mL To discover! Almond essence - 2 teaspoons 10 mL To discover! Preparation Passer en mode cuisine 1. Preheat the oven to 160 °C (325 °F). Line a baking sheet with a silicone baking mat or with parchment paper. 2. In a large bowl, mix the dry ingredients. Then, add the wet ingredients. Mix well. 3. Spread the granola on the baking sheet. Bake for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. 4. Let cool down completely before transferring the granola into a sealed container. How to use granola A protein-rich granola can be eaten with Greek yogurt, fresh fruits, and roasted or grilled fruits